Photographs Don't Matter

“I don’t understand these people who want Birth Photography. I gave birth and there is nothing about that experience I want to look back at!”

“You take pictures at births?! Like, people have a baby and want you there?! That’s weird.”

“OMG. Who would want pictures of them giving birth?! Hey honey! I’ve got an idea for this year’s holiday card!”

Birth Photography and Newborn Photography for D.C. Parents.

Birth Photography and Newborn Photography for D.C. Parents.

When I hear these phrases - which, I often do - I think to myself, “What a wonderful way to have experienced birth.” Because I am surrounded by parents who have struggled for years to become pregnant in the first place. Parents who have been told they would never have children. Parents who know their child will likely not survive long after birth. Parents who had no idea there was anything about to go horribly, horribly wrong.

I often see, unless you’ve been intimately touched by death, how the assumption of a healthy birth can be taken for granted. Photographs don’t matter.

But for those who have lived, or even had the scare, of a child’s life shortened, I am there. To celebrate with you. To love with you. To breath that sigh of relief with you. And, for some, to cry with you.

I often hear myself say, “Birth Photography isn’t for everyone”. Certainly, this is true. But for the parents it is for, I am proud, honored, and humbled to be at your service.



After birth, family bonding. The first family portrait. Birth Photography, D.C.

After birth, family bonding. The first family portrait. Birth Photography, D.C.

Teresa Robertson received her Bachelor’s of Fine Art degree in Photography and Fine Art Illustration from the Savannah College of Art and Design. After serving as a volunteer for several years with Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep, she became interested in Birth Photography and Birth Doula (DONA) work as well. She soulfully resides on the island of Oahu, is passionate about preserving the land and culture, and is proud to serve on The Queen’s Court.