Posts in Professional Photography
The Power of Print - Freeing your Images from the Screen

I talk a lot about the importance of printing photographs but what’s even more convincing to me is what I am personally witnessing with my children.

When my first ‘baby’ was born, I was still a film photographer. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of photos my son as a newborn up until a young child.

Then 2 things happened:

  1. Digital took over

  2. He didn’t grow up thinking social media was ‘the place to be’. At least not Facebook – where so many of his photos were stored.

“Is that me?”

“Yes! Don’t you remember this day? I look at this photo all the time!”

My son, holding an internationally published photograph I took of him as a baby boy. We have this image hanging in our home to this day.

My son, holding an internationally published photograph I took of him as a baby boy. We have this image hanging in our home to this day.

It dawns on me how I almost feel as though I’m holding these sweet memories of his life captive. Now, granted, he has the power to login and look himself. But as technology grows and changes, our children will have no concept of how many people have viewed this, loved this, and commented on how amazing they are…or, more importantly, that we even displayed these sweet pictures of them ourselves.

There was an excellent article written in the Baltimore Sun ran discussing how printed images of our children, displayed in the home, can actually enhance a child’s self esteem and help them get to know themselves. I encourage you to read it and share your thoughts.

  • Did you have photos displayed in your home growing up?

  • Do you now?

  • Are they in ‘common areas’ or more ‘private’ rooms?

This is just one of the reasons I am more and more adamant in my business to make sure that your photographs are printed and printed to last. Yes, I am a photographer and specialize in capturing you and those you most love. I also have such an attachment to the families, children, babies, pregnant mothers, and newborns I photograph that it is my sincere desire that my photographs truly lend a positive impact for years to come.



Teresa Robertson received her Bachelor’s of Fine Art degree in Photography and Fine Art Illustration from the Savannah College of Art and Design. After serving as a volunteer for several years with Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep, she became interested in Birth Photography and Birth Doula (DONA) work as well. She soulfully resides on the island of Oahu, is passionate about preserving the land and culture, and is proud to serve on The Queen’s Court.

Photographs Don't Matter

“I don’t understand these people who want Birth Photography. I gave birth and there is nothing about that experience I want to look back at!”

“You take pictures at births?! Like, people have a baby and want you there?! That’s weird.”

“OMG. Who would want pictures of them giving birth?! Hey honey! I’ve got an idea for this year’s holiday card!”

Birth Photography and Newborn Photography for D.C. Parents.

Birth Photography and Newborn Photography for D.C. Parents.

When I hear these phrases - which, I often do - I think to myself, “What a wonderful way to have experienced birth.” Because I am surrounded by parents who have struggled for years to become pregnant in the first place. Parents who have been told they would never have children. Parents who know their child will likely not survive long after birth. Parents who had no idea there was anything about to go horribly, horribly wrong.

I often see, unless you’ve been intimately touched by death, how the assumption of a healthy birth can be taken for granted. Photographs don’t matter.

But for those who have lived, or even had the scare, of a child’s life shortened, I am there. To celebrate with you. To love with you. To breath that sigh of relief with you. And, for some, to cry with you.

I often hear myself say, “Birth Photography isn’t for everyone”. Certainly, this is true. But for the parents it is for, I am proud, honored, and humbled to be at your service.



After birth, family bonding. The first family portrait. Birth Photography, D.C.

After birth, family bonding. The first family portrait. Birth Photography, D.C.

Teresa Robertson received her Bachelor’s of Fine Art degree in Photography and Fine Art Illustration from the Savannah College of Art and Design. After serving as a volunteer for several years with Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep, she became interested in Birth Photography and Birth Doula (DONA) work as well. She soulfully resides on the island of Oahu, is passionate about preserving the land and culture, and is proud to serve on The Queen’s Court.

The One Book the Saved My Sanity, My Business, and My Family

When it comes to business, it’s one thing to be an employee and it’s another to be the owner. Even if you don’t own a business, wearing multiple hats for multiple jobs is far from abnormal these days (however, if you are a Parent reading this, I will strongly suggest that you own and operate a small business).

How are we staying sane?

Having been around the ‘job block’ more than once, I have been a part of multiple lectures and ‘courses’ on organization over the years. Nothing - and let me emphasize, nothing - seemed to help the overload I held in my brain, the heart stopping anxiety, the body numbing fear when I failed to deliver, or the defeat that I simply was a ‘Scatter Brain’, ‘Flighty’, ‘Disorganized’ employee/business owner.

Working on the plane. Photographing in Maryland, DC, Michigan, Georgia, Florida, and Hawaii keeps me busy - The Savor Life Planner keeps me sane.

Working on the plane. Photographing in Maryland, DC, Michigan, Georgia, Florida, and Hawaii keeps me busy - The Savor Life Planner keeps me sane.

Until, recently I thought it was me. But it wasn’t. It was the systems and the planners that were designed only for people who needed to keep track of appointments, meetings, client call reminders, or holidays.

Those planners didn’t help create. Those systems didn’t inspire. And I certainly didn’t feel less stress.

Complaining for the millionth time to a friend that I was cursed with having my ‘head in the clouds’ forever, she said, ‘I think you need to try the Savor Life Planner’. Another planner seemed far from helpful. But when she showed me how just one week in the planner had TEN dedicated pages to (literally) take me from brainstorming to brain dumping, daily ‘to-do’s to separate compartments for each of those ‘to-do’s to be crafted, designed, executed...fulfilled?! It was seriously nothing I had ever seen and I saw immediately what a perfect fit this was for my intelligent, crafty, innovative mind.

Let me be clear: I wasn’t asked to write this post or offered anything in return. I seriously feel like this has changed my day to day stress level DRAMATICALLY and if I can help you do that as well, I’m more than happy to.

Interested in what I do (or just want to oooh and ahhhh over cute babies)? See my work here.

Interested in how I keep track of it all? Visit Savor Life Planner.



Savor Life Planner is a 90 day planner perfect for busy entrepreneurs, on-the-go moms, managers, and professionals who need a system to "remember it all" for prioritizing the day.

Savor Life Planner is a 90 day planner perfect for busy entrepreneurs, on-the-go moms, managers, and professionals who need a system to "remember it all" for prioritizing the day.

Teresa Robertson received her Bachelor’s of Fine Art degree in Photography and Fine Art Illustration from the Savannah College of Art and Design. After serving as a volunteer for several years with Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep, she became interested in Birth Photography and Birth Doula (DONA) work as well. She soulfully resides on the island of Oahu, is passionate about preserving the land and culture, and is proud to serve on The Queen’s Court.

Less is More

In Hawaii, one of my biggest impressions on the culture is the magnitude and importance of details or small acts. This was refreshing to me, not as a new concept, but rather one that I feel was organically ingrained in me, only to be ‘taught out’.

Having been on the mainland for several weeks now, getting back into my work has felt different in both good ways and bad; on the one hand, I am able to celebrate accomplishments of the creative work I do, understanding the significance in acts I before felt were not making me ‘busy/working hard’ enough.

Prepping Maternity photos into prints from an order before matting and framing them. Oahu Birth and Newborn Photographer

Prepping Maternity photos into prints from an order before matting and framing them. Oahu Birth and Newborn Photographer

On the other hand, recognizing the amount of effort, intention, intellect, and energy that goes into my work (a stark contrast to people who simply assume I pick up a camera, click the shutter, upload images, edit, and then call it a day) leaves me to understand the cost of what I do. Not just the physical cost of equipment, paper, and resources; but also the cost of education, research, passion, and ‘know-how’.

Going into the New Year, I’m grateful for this perspective. A time of year to evaluate not only what I give, but what I receive that makes me give my best. I think this comes at a time where I’ve been on the brink of considering how important, or not important, my work is, if my contribution to others is as valuable as I hope it to be, and if it’s all been in vain.

Artists don’t simply ‘have a knack’ for what they do. We don’t just think something will ‘look pretty’, slap something together in 5/50/497 minutes, and call it a day. Just like you, I read books on business, take classes to further educate myself, calculate each step to consider how it will benefit the bottom line, and strive to succeed.

I hope, in saying all of this, you find similarities of value within yourself - or, recognize some of the intention and accomplishment that had perhaps been overlooked in others. For those of us who work hard, I think it’s safe to say that the desire for or quality of what we produce may be up for debate, but that our drive to get there is unquestionable. If we seek to understand a little more of the journey others have taken, we can not only learn from them but help others succeed along the way.

Not often seen when completing a order from a pregnancy session. D.C. Birth and Newborn Photographer

Not often seen when completing a order from a pregnancy session. D.C. Birth and Newborn Photographer

Teresa Robertson received her Bachelor’s of Fine Art degree in Photography and Fine Art Illustration from the Savannah College of Art and Design. After serving as a volunteer for several years with Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep, she became interested in Birth Photography and Birth Doula (DONA) work as well. She soulfully resides on the island of Oahu, is passionate about preserving the land and culture, and is proud to serve on The Queen’s Court.

When the Best Isn’t Good Enough

Typically I sit on my blogs for a bit before posting, just to make sure I’ve put my thoughts into words the best of my ability. This post, however, is being typed and presented with only moments to spare before I pack up my truck and head to Columbia, MD where I will be handing in my first ‘Print Case’ for our Professional Photographers of America state print competition.

I have such an amazing bundle of nerves and excitement, just like back when I was submitting for finals, back in my college days. Is the paper right? How about the image? Did I edit it correctly? Should I have entered something else? What if it doesn’t score well? What if it does?! 

I’ve had plenty of people ask me, ‘What does it mean to enter a competition? What does it do for you?’ That’s actually a bit of a loaded question and I’m sure. You’d get a different answer with everyone you asked. 

For me, I wonder, ‘Why win anything? Why be the top of you class or the first chair in band? Why be the team captain or try for that chili cook-off?’  Personally, because I want to be The Best I can be - and then be better. I want to be challenged, I want to learn more, I want to pick myself up when my ‘All’ wasn’t good enough, only to prove to myself I had it in me. And if that can be passed along to my clients in the work I provide them, I want them to be proud that they’ve acquired an intentionally perfected piece of art, reflecting their life. 

Well beyond the click of a shutter, image, paper, and presentation selection are incredibly important in print competition.

Well beyond the click of a shutter, image, paper, and presentation selection are incredibly important in print competition.

So, as I run out the door, that’s my ‘Why’. I’m sure I’ll think of more later (as I always do) but for now, wish me luck, some thick skin, and an open mind. 

I’ll keep you posted! 


Teresa Robertson received her Bachelor’s of Fine Art degree in Photography and Fine Art Illustration from the Savannah College of Art and Design. After serving as a volunteer for several years with Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep, she became interested in Birth Photography and Birth Doula (DONA) work as well. She soulfully resides on the island of Oahu, is passionate about preserving the land and culture, and is proud to serve on The Queen’s Court.

Behind the Scenes: Imaging USA

It’s always a little hard to explain to people what goes on behind the scenes in Photography. On the one hand, I certainly don’t expect non-Photographers to understand, the same way I don’t know everything that goes behind the scenes of anyone else’s career. There’s almost always a bit of shock that more would involved than just buying a fancy camera and clicking the shutter button. 

One thing that I really love to share is the work that goes into being a part of the Professional Photographers of America (PPA), especially attending the annual Imaging USA convention. For 3+ days each January, Professional Photographers from all over the world join together to catch up with friends in the industry, going through a pretty intensive class schedule, discover new ways to serve their clients better, and just plain join in community until the next year rolls around. 

This is the 3rd year in a row that I’ve attended and this year specifically has been an incredible time of reflection. Since my re-entry into the photography world, it’s incredible to see the education leaps and bonds I’ve created in the last several years. I remember my first trip like it was yesterday, sort of sticking to myself, an observer, and being in awe over what was going on around me. This year, it was like watching myself in my own movie, realizing how much I had grown and achieved. 


Sitting on the airplane, flying back to D.C. / Maryland, I am slowly trying to figure out how I’m going to organize, execute, and display what I’ve absorbed over the last 3 days in Nashville, TN (the convention changes location - watch for it in the D.C. area 2020!). There’s just so much wonderful things to put in place and provide for others. Similarly to act of kindness, I don’t feel the need to display every small piece of the puzzle - but with my business and my art, I would love for you to know that despite the incorrect assumption that Photographers only work when they are behind the camera, that this is one Photographer, at 7:43pm on a Tuesday night, flying through the Midwest, is not only thinking of how I can better myself, but better myself for you. 


Teresa Robertson received her Bachelor’s of Fine Art degree in Photography and Fine Art Illustration from the Savannah College of Art and Design. After serving as a volunteer for several years with Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep, she became interested in Birth Photography and Birth Doula (DONA) work as well. She soulfully resides on the island of Oahu, is passionate about preserving the land and culture, and is proud to serve on The Queen’s Court.

New Year, New Beginnings

I know I’ve mentioned this before, having a hard time keeping up to date on happenings through social media. It seems that so much happens, so fast, and there is always so little time to write it all down. Not to mention my brain has long left the ‘I gotta post this on Facebook / Instagram!’ instinct. 

While I’m not ‘into’ resolutions, I am incredibly fortunate to attend one of my most favored events at the beginning of each year, Imaging USA. Packed full of education, inspiration, and motivation, this is a time reserved for me to reflect and pursue. This year, as I fly over the Chesapeake Bay complete with a spectacular view of the Bay Bridge, I realize I have so much growth to reflect on - and I’d love to share that with you more. 

Flying over the Chesapeake Bay / Bay Bridge in Maryland.

Flying over the Chesapeake Bay / Bay Bridge in Maryland.

The truth of the matter is, I don’t know that you will be impressed with where I go, what I do, or what sessions I have...nor do I expect you to be. But to keep you informed on changes, community events (I have a pretty amazing goal for 2018!), bring a little joy to your day through art - it does nobody any good to keep that all to myself, now does it? 

So I hope you’ll follow along with me this year and maybe we can meet up, share stories, and share a glass of wine or coffee together. Because as Mara Scott has said, "When you're sharing, it offers the opportunity for someone to help you." And growing is always an option. 

I look forward to going through this year with you! 


Teresa Robertson received her Bachelor’s of Fine Art degree in Photography and Fine Art Illustration from the Savannah College of Art and Design. After serving as a volunteer for several years with Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep, she became interested in Birth Photography and Birth Doula (DONA) work as well. She soulfully resides on the island of Oahu, is passionate about preserving the land and culture, and is proud to serve on The Queen’s Court.